Your Critical Investigation topic:
Are contemporary documentaries, like C4's 'Benefits Street', providing a public service, or simply reinforcing negative stereotypes to generate a larger audience?
Your Linked Production brief:
My production will be to create a documentary following the lives of a group of youths on a council estate and gaining an insight into their lives. Within this I will look to incorporate various stereotypes in keeping with my investigation title and create an overall stereotypical negative representation of the youths.
Length/size of production (e.g. 3 minutes, 5 pages etc.):
Approximately 2 - 3 minutes.
Give an example of an existing media text this is similar to what you plan to produce:
The text will be a mixture of existing texts such as Channel 4's Top Boy as well as documentaries such as Skint. The element from Top Boy taken is that my production will be focused on lower class youths in an urban estate setting, and the documentary format of Skint which similarly follows the life of lower class people.
Give an example of an institution that would produce or distribute your planned production:
Channel 4 as they have created numerous documentaries of a very similar nature, as well as being the producers of the two texts my production is combining, Top Boy and Skint.
How would your production reach its audience?
One way in which Channel 4 documentaries specifically reach their audience is by trying to gain their attention by outraging and angering them with the stereotypical behaviour shown on screen. Therefore I may take a similar route, conforming to the negative stereotype's of youths - perhaps showing them committing crimes, violent/gang behaviour.
Who do you plan to work with on this project?
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